Community Events
Join us for these inspiring classes and forums designed to deepen your spiritual life. All events are open to the public.
Saturday Spiritual Forum
This service is held on the first Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Last guests admitted at 2 p.m.
$20 entitles visitors to three tickets for a combination of spiritual readings, energy healing and a lite lunch-to-go. Those that are on a fixed income or financially challenged can ask for a discount from the person at the door. The Forum supports church expenses and upkeep.
Hemi-Sync® Meditation Forum - Third Sunday
This is on hold until further notice.
This meditation forum is held every third Sunday of the month from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. This class is led by Margel & Tom Wilson.
Welcome to the great unknown.
The quest for knowledge and understanding is one of our most profound instincts. The transformative power of sound has been passed down to the present from the sages of India, the classical scientists of ancient Greece, and the medieval monks of Europe. Mantras, simple words, or chants, which are short phrases packed with energy and intention--specifically designed to generate powerful sound waves that promote healing, insight, creativity, and spiritual growth.
Over the centuries these mantras, sounds, and chants have inspired, comforted, and mended the lives of individuals, religious orders, and even entire cultures. Join us on our path of discovery and explore your spiritual mansion and the wonders of enlightment to unlock the door so that you can roam the estate of consciousness undeterred and discover what is waiting for you at the “Christian Spiritualist Church” using Hemi-sync® a modern version of applying sound patterns that have been utilized for thousands of years.
Bring head phones or ear buds to experience the Hemi-Sync® meditation frequencies.
For your comfort, you may also want to bring a pillow and a blanket.
The public is invited. A Love Offering is welcome.
The Meditation Forum Seasonal Workshop -
The Gateway Experience is a series of meditation exerises developed by the Monroe Institute to expand consciousness and enter into altered states of awarness using its patented sound technology called hemisipheric synchronization or Hemi-Sync. In the workshop, you will be given a sampling of the mental tools and exercises used in the Gateway Experience.
Join us as we dive deep into the inner journey using sound frequenicies both ancient and new (binaural beats, Hemi-Sync(R), tibetan bowl, chants, guided imagery etc.)to enhance the meditation experience. Gain new powerful new perspectives in our open discussion towards understanding the total self.Practice intuitive questioning and be prepared for unexpected answers from within and without. We are offering you a tool to tap into the clarity of higher self and assist you towards inner peace. It IS time to heed the call of Spirit and listen to its wisdom.
Hosted by Tom & Margel Wilson, this seasonal workshop is offered 4 times a year. The 2nd of the series will be on quarterly SUNDAYS@ 1:00-4:30pm
The public is invited. FUTURE SEASONAL workshops to be updated here !
WORKSHOP FEE: $30 ( A light lunch included with the tuition
Science, Spirituality, and the Heart -
Rev. Peter Hoover is now in rotation for teaching Wednesday night Spiritual Development and Bible study.
Brothers on the Journey
Men supporting men seeking to deepen their Spiritual Lives.
The group meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Currently, group meetings are being offered via Zoom.
For more information, contact Rich Horton at 440-567-3187 or
Contact Rich for the location of the next meeting.
Pranic Healing Clinic
Pranic Healer: Sybil Baker - RN/MS/LMT
Currently on hold due to Covid.
If you would like to learn Pranic healing? Please contact Sybil Baker at 614-268-8626 or
Monday Healing Outreach with James Britton
Currently on hold due to Covid. Please check back in the future for updates.
**Electronic Tithing**
If these events and classes inspire and enlighten you, please considering supporting our church with electronic tithing (safely via the Zelle Pay App). Read how Zelle Pay works by clicking here.
Contact us if you have any questions in setting up your tithing to our congregation. Thank you for supporting us!